March 12, 2012

something that I lack, big time.

Happy Monday! And you know, for the first time ever, I might actually be excited that it's Monday because we're experiencing a record high in Boston today! 70 degrees and I'm the happiest of campers :) Will and I just ate lunch at the beach!

But being back inside at my desk reminds me of this dreaded topic. I can consider this a slight "confession" post, but honestly, I don't think I'm alone in this. As of late, I've been really challenged on a specific character trait that I am majorly lacking. Since we know it's not a stellar sense of humor or dazzling intelligence (jokes), I'll just spill it:

Ah, yes. There it is. I think I just heard a sea of grumbling as you resonated with this, and I can just sense my parents chuckling and saying, "ya think?!"

Growing up, my mom basically had to drag me out of bed by my ankles (as did my husband on this fine morning), and I was probably marked tardy by my homeroom teacher everyday but 10 my senior year of high school - you know, once missing the bus didn't matter because I had my own car and was fully responsible for my own late-ness.

These days, I don't really mind being late for things. I know that's bad according to most people, but I kind of have a "the show goes on without me just fine" kind of attitude. Like at church? The pastor doesn't stand up there saying, "Where's Cassie?! I can't even fathom beginning the message without her here!" Which is why I'm not bothered at all by slinking in the back 10-15 minutes late. Then the "tsk tsk" looks come from my friends, who know the drill.

And poor Will, oh gosh. The guy did just fine before I came along. It's like I pulled him down with me and trained him in my sluggish ways. It's a curse. Sorry, babe.

So with some things, my lack of discipline isn't a huge problem. Church goes on, friends are pretty chill and forgiving, and my office unfortunately operates on Cassie-time (opening at "8" but really opening at 8:20 when we all stroll in) which is really no good, because I need to be called to a higher standard in order to change!

But there are a few areas where it's really not okay and I am feeling convicted. My seeming lack of ability to wake up early is leaving me with less time for exercise and less time in the Bible.

Can I get an "amen"? Isn't this a common problem? I'm sure plenty of us feel guilt-ridden over our exercise habits (or lack thereof), and the fellow Jesus-followers are all familiar with that feeling of knowing that you're slacking on your side of things as the Lord just patiently waits for you.

My conviction has left me feeling insecure, incapable, and struggling to keep my head above water in thoughts of negativity concerning this lack of discipline. I made this chart for myself last weekend, but I haven't printed or hung it up yet, because I'm not quite ready to be held accountable to it - see? How lame am I?

This is to be sure that every day before work, I either get my butt moving or spend time with God. Also, I want to be sure that I'm not being a lazy dud during the week! Will and I are watching the whole series of LOST and the whole series of FRIENDS (shame! embarrassment! sloth!), so I need to let that not get the better of me. It's such a fun way to unwind together, but I also want to use the evenings as creative time.

Do you have any ideas or systems that work well for you? How do you maintain a life of relaxation, while also being healthy physically and spiritually? Any thoughts or ideas are welcome!

Stay tuned later this week when I share an inspiring and helpful article called 
"76 Ways to Get Moving!"
Sounds awesome, huh?

Enjoy the heat wave, New England!


  1. I can relate! So often the most important things get put on the back burner... Why do we do this??

    Sometimes I won't let myself watch my favorite shows until I have worked out & when I do watch tv, I often knit/crochet too. I usually read my bible, etc. right before bed, because most of the time mornings are tough. Ha! :)

  2. I hear you... time is so hard to find.... but I suppose you are right, it is just a matter of discipline

  3. I love your writing style! Thanks for making me smile. I miss Boston! Now I'm in "sunny" California...and it's raining. This discipline is a hard thing for me. Wish I had some good advice...but I haven't figured out how to balance all aspects of my life either. Hope you stop by my blog sometime and follow my journey.

  4. Come on! You have a free gym membership! But if you aren't exercising every day, don't be so hard on yourself. Most people don't exercise at all. Come on, though. Just swing into Bennett at 4:30 on M W F and use T and R as rest days. Chances are you may never have a free gym again. I wish I still had it.

    As for the Bible, do it, but just don't be 'religious' about it. Even if you're just using Os Chambers to get sparked into the word, it'll get you moving in the right direction. I've just been learning a lot lately that healthy spiritual life has just as much to do with prayer and community as it does with studying God's word.


tell me what you think!

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